Featured Nonprofit: Nā Hoaloha
Maui Nonprofit of the Month: Nā Hoaloha
Maui is a stunning, beautiful place to live, if you can get out to see it. There are many kupuna (elders) in our community that can no longer drive, need help at home, or could just use a little attention to take a break from feeling isolated.
The sweetheart organization, Nā Hoaloha is arguably one of the most impressive nonprofit organizations in Hawai’i and caters to the elderly population on Maui, Hawaii, providing help to those who need it most. An interview with the founders and staff give background on how they started and how to get involved.
The Mission: Nā Hoaloha is to provide compassionate care to Maui seniors and persons with disabilities to help them remain independent and to enhance their quality of life.
The Vision: Nā Hoaloha is a community-driven volunteer organization providing services by volunteers in service to others.
How did Nā Hoaloha get its start?
Nā Hoaloha is a grassroots nonprofit organization that began when Sr. Roselani Enomoto formed a coalition of area leaders from twenty-one faith-based organizations to address the needs of seniors and persons with disabilities throughout Maui County. With a start-up grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Nā Hoaloha-Maui Interfaith Volunteer Caregivers was incorporated in 1995. One of the smallest nonprofit organizations in Hawaii, they continue to recruit and train volunteers throughout Maui County to provide compassionate and essential supportive services for Maui seniors over 60 years of age and people 18 to 59 with disabilities to remain living independently.
How did you get involved with Nā Hoaloha?
King Van Nostrand, Executive Director, was raised by parents that incorporated volunteerism into the family dynamics. Shoveling snow, washing cars, and grocery shopping for seniors who lived in his neighborhood where he grew up was a weekly routine.
"I am proud to be just a tiny piece of a big picture focused on the safety and success of our most vulnerable population"
King Van Nostrand, Executive Director
King Van Nostrand, Executive Director, was raised by parents that incorporated volunteerism into the family dynamics. Shoveling snow, washing cars, and grocery shopping for seniors who lived in his neighborhood where he grew up was a weekly routine. It was an easy fit for King when he relocated to Maui and found one of the most compassionate, proactive nonprofit organizations in Hawaii to embrace. He joined the Board of Directors in May 2017 and recently elevated his commitment to Maui seniors by assuming the Executive Director's desk in January 2020.
King still mows lawns, goes grocery shopping, and provides transportation weekly. It is instilled in him.
"I never had a bad day at work because I was given an opportunity to enhance someone's life doing what I love."
Judy Guajardo, Volunteer Coordinator
As the Volunteer Coordinator, Judy Guajardo shares a similar upbringing with volunteering being an important part of her childhood. It was when her father was diagnosed with dementia that she realized her need to learn more about the aging process and how best to support her Dad and family. She enrolled in Human Services classes and found volunteering opportunities with Nā Hoaloha as a friendly visitor. The more she learned, the more she wanted to become involved with making a difference in the lives of persons who deserved to be supported and respected. She started her volunteer career with Nā Hoaloha in 2012 and took on the role of Volunteer Coordinator in 2014.
What makes Nā Hoaloha special?
Nā Hoaloha is a volunteer-based 501(c3) nonprofit serving Maui County’s homebound for over 27 years. Our mission provides compassionate care to Maui seniors and persons with disabilities to help them remain independent and enhance their quality of life. Nā Hoaloha is a unique community-driven volunteer organization providing services by volunteers in service to others. By offering personal, one-on-one, free assistance to homebound Maui residents, Nā Hoaloha is an industry leader in supportive services for the elderly and persons with disabilities on the island.
Nā Hoaloha provides service to the islands of Maui, Moloka'i, Lana'i, and the Hana community. This unique agency provides the supportive platform that coordinates, arranges, and delivers basic household tasks and assistance that elevates the quality of life for Maui County's aging population while keeping them safe. Nā Hoaloha networks with all other community organizations in making sure to offer participants the best resources that will work together in formulating care teams that are designed to address their individual needs. Nā Hoaloha maintains membership in the National Volunteer Caregivers Network, AARP, and the American Society on Aging.
How can people get involved?
The most valued asset of the organization is the volunteers who, without fail, rise to meet the challenges of service delivery and the heartfelt desire to provide compassionate care to the less fortunate and frail elderly time and time again. Volunteers are our hardworking, forward thinkers who lead by example and want to be part of a small social solution. We salute our dedicated volunteers and honor their service for continuing to show up, to be on the front line during difficult times for our kupuna, and always with a smile. There is a friend for everyone and an opportunity to get involved and contribute to making Maui a great place to age in place.
Volunteer programs and application information can be found at www.nahoaloha.org or by calling our office at 808-249-2545.
What are the current services offered?
Nā Hoaloha offers supportive, free programs to seniors such as friendly visitors, telephone reassurance, shop/drop grocery, and medication pickup and delivery, in-home volunteer caregiver respite program, and fall prevention, an intergenerational volunteer program, kupuna yard cleanup, and our top-rated escorted transportation program.
This incredible organization provides simple solutions to everyday problems for the elderly on Maui. With daily telephone calls and friendly visitors for companionship and social engagement, our clients help enhance well-being and reduce isolation. Transportation services get kupuna to appointments, grocery shopping, or just to see something different.
Scheduled, in-home respite volunteer time for caregivers is provided for those that need more help. Volunteers will help clean homes, tidy the yard, or survey homes for fall risks to avoid potential accidents.
Nā Hoaloha is one of the most impressive nonprofit organizations in Hawai’i, with 420 enrolled volunteers providing services to 1,004 participants. They are focused on building organizational capacity grounded in their mission and core values of social responsibility, quality of service, and heartfelt compassion. In 2020, Nā Hoaloha Escort Transportation Program provided 2,138 unique trips with 6,231 hours on the road driving 46,163 miles.