Featured Nonprofit: The Maui Farm

Maui Living recognizes one standout nonprofit from the Maui community each month for doing the heart-called work giving back to the people who need it most in our community. The Maui Farm, an innovative farm-based residential program providing transitional housing and life skills training for women with children who are homeless or at risk of homelessness due to domestic violence and economic issues.

We spoke with Kandice Johns, the current Executive Director of The Maui Farm to learn more.

How did The Maui Farm get its start?

In 1985, The Maui Farm was incorporated as a 501(c)(3) organization by a community-based Board of Directors committed to establishing a farm-based, residential program to care for Maui’s foster youth.  In 1990, The Maui Farm obtained a 55-year charitable lease from the County of Maui for an 8-acre property in Upcountry Maui. Funding for site development and facilities construction was provided by the County of Maui and other private donors. 

In 1993,  The Maui Farm opened its doors to offer a continuum of residential programs providing long-term care for foster youth and other youth with emotional and behavioral challenges, supported through fee-for-service contracts with State agencies, and serving youth from throughout the State. 

In 2006, The Maui Farm shifted its programs in response to significant changes in the State’s youth-serving system and in partnership with Women Helping Women and Family Life Center, began operating the Family Strengthening Program (which continues today). The Maui Farm effectively used its unique resources and expertise in service delivery to focus on serving single mothers with children who were at risk of homelessness as a result of economic hardships, domestic violence or substance abuse. The Maui Farm helps families remain intact instead of entering the child welfare system.. The Family Strengthening Program empowers families to develop the knowledge, attitudes, and skills needed for healthy family functioning and self-sufficient living, and strengthens the continuum of care by providing transitional housing and family strengthening services after emergency shelter services have been maximized, and before families make the transition to long term affordable housing programs in the community. 

How did you get involved with The Maui Farm? 

Kandice Johns: “Ever since I was in high school, I wanted to have a career with purpose, and was interested in working with children/teens and helping the environment. After, graduating from college and returning to Maui, I entered the non-profit sector with a goal of helping my community be a better place for those living in it and for future generations. After living on Oahu for several years and returning to Maui about 5 years ago as a parent, it was even more important to me to be able to positively contribute to the place that I grew up in and was raising my children in.

In the midst of the COVID pandemic, I was introduced to The Maui Farm through one of its Board Directors, Wendy Rice Peterson. Truthfully, I had never heard of The Maui Farm and when I did, its mission of building sustainability for families and malama ‘aina together felt like the perfect fit for me. During the summer of 2020, I joined The Maui Farm initially as part-time Interim Executive Director in response to the organization’s need for temporary leadership and oversight during a transition period. Then, in November 2020, I was appointed as full-time Executive Director. I feel truly blessed for the opportunity to contribute to an organization with a mission that is very close to my heart and values – to give families a fresh start where they can heal and grow together, connect with each other and the land, build community and ultimately, thrive on their own.”

What makes The Maui Farm so special? 

KJ: The actual farm itself!! We have a beautiful, thriving 2-acre educational farm to use as our platform for programs and services – which nourishes and provides for the families in numerous ways. 

Our integrated approach to family strengthening makes us incredibly unique and we are also the only provider of transitional housing on Maui specifically focused on meeting the needs of single women with children who have experienced various forms of trauma. 

Each day, families at The Maui Farm can see things growing and changing around them as their own lives also transform – there is satisfaction and accomplishment from planting a seed, or feeding a baby goat – and then watching them grow and flourish. Families are able to bond in healthy ways through farm-based, hands on activities and also build trust and relationships with each other and our staff while on safe and “neutral” ground - literally on the ground - weeding, digging or planting in the garden. The farm teaches responsibility, cooperation, teamwork and stewardship – important values and life skills that give families confidence to take care of themselves and advocate for their needs outside of the Farm. At The Maui Farm we are cultivating healthier families and growing healthy food at the same time – which creates a more resilient and sustainable community on Maui for us all.

How can people get involved? 

KJ: There are several fun and easy ways to join us in our work! 

  •  Volunteer to Malama The Maui Farm: During monthly volunteer work days, small groups participate in hands-on projects that support the beautification and maintenance of our farm and property.

  • Join us for a Farm Tour: The second Saturday of each month, we are open to the public for free 30-minute tours with advance reservation. Come meet our friendly farm animals, tour our crop gardens and learn more about our programs. Feel free to picnic or enjoy our keiki playground afterwards too!

  • Support our Programs: Give directly in support of our programs and services by donating at www.themauifarm.org\donate or purchase much-needed program supplies for our transitional homes and farm by visiting our Amazon Wishlist.

  • Stay Informed: Sign up to receive our email newsletter for updates about program impact, upcoming events and farm news, facts and activities for the whole family!


What are the current services offered?

KJ: Our core program is the Family Strengthening Program for single mothers with children, which includes transitional housing and farm-based programs that teach essential life skills to help families become and remain self-sufficient. Women receive individualized care coordination to help them develop a Family Transition Plan and meet their personal life goals. Ultimately, we work to help families transition into independent housing, maintain their finances/employment and keep children safe and in school; and support and empower mothers to practice self-advocacy to meet their and their children’s physical, emotional and psychological needs. Participants in the Family Strengthening Program can also become trainees in our Stipend Job Readiness Program which allows them to earn a wage working on the educational farm where they obtain job coaching, hard skills related to farming and agriculture, and soft skills to help prepare them for any future profession. 

In addition, we have Community Programs to engage the public in the many benefits of farm-based activities and education, e.g. monthly Farm Tours, a volunteer program, internships, and group service projects. 

Kalo Ihi and Lizzie Digging.jpg

“The Maui Farm is a place to see light despite all the darkness. After living at a domestic violence shelter for three months, my daughter and I were accepted into the Family Strengthening Program at The Maui Farm. I’ve now been here only six months and have gone from destitute to thriving in a short amount of time.

The transitional housing located on a beautiful property has provided a safe space for my daughter and I to be together. The staff is a solid and compassionate group of people who listen, support and guide me on accomplishing my short- and long-term goals. My 11-year-old daughter has shown tremendous growth because the farm provides a therapeutic place for her to release anxiety and take on responsibilities like feeding the animals. While at the farm, I lost my job due to COVID-19. I enrolled in The Maui Farm’s Stipend Program which allowed me to earn an hourly wage while perform farm tasks. I gained a ton of knowledge on plants and animals while enjoying all the wonderful joys of nature. Participating in the Stipend Program also helped with my communication skills and showed me the value of taking pride and ownership in my work.

In essence, The Maui Farm is a portal to all things possible!”

 ~ Stacey, completed Family Strengthening Program in Dec. 2020

MAUI LIVING: We’re absolutely thrilled to be able to support such a worthy cause and celebrate Kandice Johns and The Maui Farm as our Maui Living September 2021 Maui Nonprofit of the Month.


KNOW SOMEONE who could benefit from the maui Farm?

Referrals are accepted primarily through Women Helping Women. Other community organizations can make referrals as well. For information about the referral and application process or program eligibility, please call 808-579-8271.

Maui Living, NonprofitLi HayMaui